My writing and visions center around one core objective: how can we center healing and wellness as a priority for all of humanity and Mother Earth?

My Research and Publications:
I write about the liberatory potential of yoga, social movements, immigrant and racial justice organizing, and abolition. Several of my essays are open access and can be read for free.
2023. "'Om-washing': Why Modi’s yoga day pose is deceptive." Al Jazeera. June 22, 2023.
2020. “Towards a Critical Embodiment of Decolonizing Yoga,” Race and Yoga, 5(1): pp. i-x.
2020. “Embodying Yoga Liberation: Growing Roots in Philly.” Abcdyogi.
2020. “Spectacles of Compassion: Modi’s Weaponization of Yoga,” Jadaliyya. May 4, 2020.
2021. “The City of Radical Love: A Philly Story of Oppression, Resistance, and Healing” in Practicing Yoga as Resistance: Voices of Color in Search of Freedom, Edited by Cara Hagan.
2018. “‘They Can Only Stretch the Bond. They Can’t Break it.’” Colorlines.
2018. “Cultivating a Yogic Theology of Collective Healing: A Yogini’s Journey Disrupting White Supremacy, Hindu Fundamentalism, and Casteism,” Race and Yoga, 3(1).
2017. “DRUM’s Soulful Beat: Desis Embodying Radical Healing” in Reimagining Magazine, Chicago Wisdom Project.
2016. “Color-Blind Racism in the Media: Mindy Kaling as an ‘Honorary White,’” Race and Contention in 21st Century U.S. Media, Edited by Bhoomi Thakore and Jason Smith, Routledge, New York.
*Check out my Media page for interviews and podcasts!*