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Healing Justice in the University

Universities across the globe are being called to invest in the mental, emotional, and holistic health of their students, staff, and communities by creating cultures that value and prioritize wellness through a lens of decolonization, anti-racism and social justice. I have long witnessed the burnout, stress and anxiety, and toxicity of cultures of harm that university students experience on campus and in their academic learning environments. Universities can serve as a beacon for transforming our cultures of care on campus, by training students in yoga and mindfulness-based skills and practices through a decolonial, anti-racist, and healing justice lens. Wellness practices that are rooted in trauma-informed care, an ethics of social justice, and a commitment to ensuring wellness for all have the power to help college students address critical issues of attrition, depression, mental and emotional anxiety. 

Schedule a consultation call to assess how I can help your campus develop healing justice programs and trainings that nurture students’ skills as healing justice and care team facilitators! My Healing Justice Peer Care Team Training is uniquely designed to help develop college students skills learn how they can use embodied traditions to help develop a culture of collective care, transformative wellness, and social justice on campus.  

  • Do you want to help transform your campus towards a culture of care and compassionate action? 

  • Would you like students on your campus to be trained in using and offering yoga and mindfulness-based skills and practices to their peers? 


I fuse my skills as a trained sociologist, activist scholar, trauma-informed wellness practitioner and yoga teacher toward working in partnership with university-based student programs, wellness centers, and college students to help them develop healing justice programs and trainings that nurture students’ skills as healing justice and care team facilitators who are actively involved in building campus cultures that are grounded in a politics of collective care. 


Included in these trainings are:

  • Instructions in teaching and practicing mindfulness-based skills

  • Instructions in yoga and in learning how to employ yoga in trauma-informed ways

  • Lessons on Decolonizing and Politicizing Yoga and Mindfulness-based practices toward Social Justice

  • One-on-one support with Multicultural, Student and Wellness Center Administrators to develop a working plan on building self-care rooms/programs for their universities

  • 3 weekends of training college student teams as healing justice organizers for their campus

Contact me today to find out how your campus community can enroll in and be a part of these healing justice peer care trainings and programs! 

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